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reserve officer 預備軍官。


The pilot program was developed with help from computer experts at the u . s . air force ' s research lab in rome , who four years ago created a 10 - week advanced course in engineering cyber security boot camp for the military ' s reserve officers training corps , said kamal jabbour , the lab ' s principal computer engineer 斯皮納曾參與美國空軍飛行員的培訓工作。本次開設的信息安全課程是由位于羅姆市的美國空軍研究實驗室的電腦專家參與設計的。 2002年,該實驗室曾為美軍后備軍官訓練團開設了一項為期10周的信息安全培訓課程。

Is unique and unlike any other inside mai po nature reserve because it purposefully managed to provid e a safe place for many thousands of migratory waterbirds during the main spring and autumn migration periods to roost at high tide and a wildlife spectacle for all visitors to the nature reserve , said mr bena smith , wwf hong kong reserve officer . renovation of the 世界自然基金會香港分會保護區主任施百納先生表示:這個獨一無二的基圍與保護區內其他基圍迥然不同,經工作人員有計劃地管理,為數以千計的遷徙候鳥在春秋遷徙高峰期間,提供潮漲時的安全棲息地,同時讓保護區的訪客飽覽野生生物景觀。

Mr . bena smith , wwf hong kong reserve officer , who designed the project , said that , wwf uses a lot of financial and staff resources every year to control aquatic vegetation , particularly in the summer months , so we really hope our new staff member can bring benefits to the mai po freshwater marshes and demonstrate to us the natural way to manage our ponds 負責設計水牛項目的世界自然基金會香港分會保護區主任施百納先生表示:每年,特別是夏季期間,本會均需動用大量人力物力來控制水生植物的生長,因此我們極希望這位新成員的加入能為米埔的淡水沼澤帶來好處,更希望它能示范如何透過天然的方式管理淡水塘。

The reserve of officers , according to the needs of administration in peacetime and mobilization in wartime , comprises two classes : class one consists of reserve officers who hold posts in reserve components or are prelisted as officers for active components , and class two is composed of all other reserve officers 軍官預備役按照平時管理和戰時動員的需要,分為兩類:在預備役部隊任職的和預編到現役部隊的預備役軍官為第一類軍官預備役;其他預備役軍官為第二類軍官預備役。

Article 7 reserve officers shall abide by the constitution , laws and regulations as well as the relevant military rules and regulations , participate in military training and military service activities , receive political education , enhance their organizing and commanding ability and their technical proficiency , and be ready at all times to respond to the call - up for active service 第七條預備役軍官應當遵守憲法和法律、法規以及軍隊的有關規章、制度,參加軍事訓練和軍事勤務活動,接受政治教育,增強組織指揮能力和專業技能,隨時準備應召服現役。

Article 5 the departments concerned under the state council and the local people ' s governments at various levels shall , in line with their division of responsibilities and in compliance with the provisions of this law and other pertinent laws and regulations , do well the relevant work concerning the administration of reserve officers 第五條國務院有關部門、地方各級人民政府應當根據職責分工,依照本法和有關法律、法規的規定,做好預備役軍官的有關管理工作。

Mr . bena smith , reserve officer of wwf hong kong , who recorded the high count , said “ the recent run of counts over 300 individuals is definitely encouraging news for such an endangered bird species as there were no more than 35 individuals recorded in hong kong prior to 1987 負責點算黑臉琵鷺數目的世界自然基金會保護區主任施百納表示: 1987年以前,我們只記錄到約35頭黑臉琵鷺,最近的點算錄得超過300頭的記錄,實在令人鼓舞。

Bena smith , wwf hong kong reserve officer , who regularly counts and studies birds on the nature reserve , said that , each day we keep expecting them to leave and fly back to korea where the other summer black - faced spoonbills are , but they do not 世界自然基金會香港分會保護區主任施百納,負責定期點算和研究保護區內的雀鳥,他表示:每天我們都預期它們會離開香港,飛返韓國與其他同伴一起渡過夏季,可是它們并沒離開。

Article 1 this law is enacted in accordance with the constitution and the military service law for the purpose of establishing a sound system of reserve officers , improving the mobilization system of the armed forces of the state , and strengthening the reserve forces for national defence 摘要:第一條為了健全預備役軍官制度,完善國家武裝力量動員體制,加強國防后備力量建設,根據憲法和兵役法,制定本法。

Article 6 the units in which reserve officers work shall support the reserve officers in their participation in military training and performance of military duties or other obligations of military service , and render assistance in the administration of reserve officers 第六條預備役軍官所在的工作單位,應當支持預備役軍官參加軍事訓練、執行軍事勤務和履行其他兵役義務,協助做好預備役軍官管理工作。

Article 1 this law is enacted in accordance with the constitution and the military service law for the purpose of establishing a sound system of reserve officers , improving the mobilization system of the armed forces of the state , and strengthening the reserve forces for national defence 第一條為了健全預備役軍官制度,完善國家武裝力量動員體制,加強國防后備力量建設,根據憲法和兵役法,制定本法。

The political departments of the major military commands , provincial military commands ( including garrison commands ) and military subcommands ( including garrison commands ) shall be responsible for the administration of reserve officers in their respective regions 大軍區、省軍區(衛戍區、警備區) 、軍分區(警備區)政治部負責本區域的預備役軍官管理工作。

Article 29 where a reserve officer has committed a crime and has been deprived of his political rights or sentenced to fixed - term imprisonment of three years or more in accordance with law , he shall be deprived of his reserve rank 第二十九條預備役軍官犯罪,被依法判處剝奪政治權利或者三年以上有期徒刑的,應當剝奪其預備役軍官軍銜。

Article 22 the determination and conferment of military ranks on reserve officers shall be based on their post grades , their political integrity and professional competence , and their actual achievements 第二十二條評定和授予預備役軍官軍銜,以預備役軍官職務等級、德才表現和工作實績為依據。

Males who have been studying overseas and are eligible for military service , but who are not qualified to sit the exa min ation for participation in the reserve officer training program for national defense 2 .海外留學生有履行兵役義務者,因未具相關資格而無法參加國內預備軍士官考

Article 3 reserve officers , by the nature of the posts they hold , shall be classified as operational officers , political officers , logistics officers and specialized technical officers 第三條預備役軍官按照職務性質分為軍事軍官、政治軍官、后勤軍官和專業技術軍官。

If any member of the public would like further information or clarification upon any aspect of the project profile please contact mr . bena smith , reserve officer 2471 6306 若公眾人士希望索取更多資料,或詳細了解項目概略的內容,請致電2471 6306或透過電郵

For further information , please contact ms . judy wan , mai po reserve officer , at 2471 6306 or dr . lew young , mai po reserve manager , at 96276520 欲知詳情,請致電2471 6303聯絡米埔保護區主任溫翰芝小姐,或9627 6520聯絡米埔自然保護區經理楊路年博士。

“ with fewer foods available , the number of waterbirds wintering in deep bay has been undergoing a decline , “ said mr bena smith , mai po reserve officer , wwf hong kong 本會米埔保護區主任施百納先生指出:食物供應下降,令在后海灣越冬的水鳥數目減少。